Social Distancing Hats

Social Distancing Hats Art Activity

Some children in China are being very creative by designing and making their own social distancing hats. 

By using cardboard, balloons, rolled up paper and other materials, they have measured and created a 1 metre buffer zone around each other.  Have a look at the photos below for inspiration and see if you can design, create  and decorate your own social distancing hat with materials at home.

Maybe we should all be wearing these?
Take a photo of yourself wearing your social distancing hat and post it to your classroom blog.  So what do you need? 
1. Cardboard.
2. Scissors.
3. Glue.
4. Balloons.
5. Rolled up newspaper.
6. Rolled up card and tubes.
7. Sellotape.
8. Stickers for decoration.


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